Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Count your blessings

Epic song time!
I kind of love this song. She has this awesome dangerous and threatening voice and intonation that is pretty badass. + I recently heard it in some movie but I forget what movie it was. Doesn't matter.
Oh and I got a job for the summer. I'm the guy who makes pizzas in the restaurant Si-Si. I kind of love it 'cause well, I love cooking as I have previously mentioned. Plus it's nice to have a source of income besides my parents.
Cool picture. Makes me feel homey for some reason.
I'd like to mention that lately I always seem to be excited. Sometimes I know the reasons but other times I'm just excited for no apparent reason. Hmm, sounds ominous. It could be that I'm going nuts but I doubt that. Could be love but I doubt that, too. Well, I do seem to have this extra good mood when this one person pops up in my mind now and then. But it could mean anything. What I know for sure is that I don't know for sure what the reason is.
+ I suggest you read really slow because I'm going to put a couple more songs here and you need to listen to them all ;)
Well, anyways, I'm not going to bore you with talking about that person.
In other news, my plan to get all fives on the report card has failed (this is even more boring... I'm bored writing this!), so that's a no-go.
These airplane pictures are great. They give me this nomadic feeling even though I clearly am not a nomad. And I actually don't want to be one that much. It probably would be a cool experience, but I'm too comfortable for that.

OK, I'm going to wrap this up.

Hope you're having a good time,

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