Tuesday, September 27, 2011


OK, I'm back. Some people urged me to keep writing so that's what I'm going to do.

I seriously overestimate people. I believe that everyone who I meet is supposed to be a mature rational human being. I have been disappointed an immense amount of times by finding out that they're actually not. I believe it's because that's the kind of people I want to meet. I suppose it's normal to not always be having calm conversations and whatnot, and to sometimes want to do things that are considered childish. I personally refrain from doing stuff like that.

Saw it in my friend's blog. Isn't it awesome?!

My life's been pretty ordinary lately. My (still) new school is awesome. Some really great people there. The whole school is a big source of inspiration and boost to creativity. I have a couple of plans already beginning to take shape. Like going abroad as an exchange student for example. Also I have made some great new friends of people I didn't know were actually nice people. All in all, life is good in despite of some little setbacks that I'll probably get over.
I am going to tennis training again (I didn't have time in the summer for I had work) and I'm really enjoying it. Old friends and good people. Plus I love playing tennis. Also I'm in my school's choir which is kind of great. I am beginning to control my voice better and better, and I like singing.
I also have a lot more plans for this school-year that I want to accomplish. Like properly learning some basic programming language, getting better at playing the guitar and getting good grades at school. So far I've been on the right track for the last two, but I really need someone to help me get started with programming. I know my brother will help if I ask, so that's what I'll do.
Right now I'm sitting in Wine Piccadilly and will soon head to choir practice.

Also, would someone please teach me to jive! I just want to know how to dance jive so bad. But I don't really have time or the resources for a dancing school or teacher. And as I understand it, I just can't go somewhere and learn to jive. I have to learn a whole bunch of different dances, which wouldn't actually be bad, but I'm not that interested in dancing.

Anyway, enjoy your lives, 'cause I sure am.
Have a good one.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Loudness and the lack of it

The last week or so has been a terrific time. First was school camp which was simply awesome. The people were great and we had a blast doing all the shit we had to do. Plus, it was a great way to get to know my new classmates (most of whom are great, but I'll get to that in a moment). At camp each new high school student had their own "god" who basically were in total command. They gave us assignments like eating and drinking some seriously disgusting stuff and dancing or just laying down on their command. Basically what ever they wished. But on the contrary to what some might think, it was actually fun.
Now on to the class. My classmates are a bunch of talented and otherwise cool people. There are all kinds of musicians and athletes and dancers and whatnot. So far we've all gotten along pretty well. We have an ongoing plan to make our classroom a well-decorated place with couches and other furniture, posters and a speaker system. It's cool that the school lets us do stuff like that.
School itself has been... well... like school. Only that now we get to use our laptops. It's great fun actually and helps make school tolerable, if not more.

Right now I feel weird. I feel like if I deemed it necessary, I would beat someone up. I am not a violent person, but right now I feel like that if someone maybe insulted one of my friends or stole something from me or betrayed me, I would beat them up just to teach them a lesson. It is the most random and at the same time awful feeling, 'cause it actually solves nothing - the beating up, I mean. Nevertheless, I would kick someone's ass just for the sake of it.

I'd like to be there, thank you.
The problem is that I have nothing else to say.

Time to end this thing, boys and girls.