Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This is the song that the title of the blog is inspired by :)

Today I'm in an euphoric mood, because the day has been extremely good. School was lame as always, but afterwards I got myself a new shirt and materials for my little project.
Most important of all, my good friend and mentor Kadi gave me a great review of my blog. Well, that made my day, because her opinion matters a great deal to me. Awesome as she is, why shouldn't it. And this post is dedicated to her :)
Been enjoying great music so far and also playing it. Whenever I'm standing up, I'm jumping around 'cause I just can't help myself. How about that, huh?
No deep monologues about society's issues in this post. But don't you worry, some random annoying or stupid or confusing thing is sure to put me in a thinking mood soon enough.

Thanks again, Kadi. Everyone have a great day and enjoy yourselves. I know I will.

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