Tuesday, April 5, 2011

First blog

I decided to start a blog and not bother everyone with my constant need for expressing my opinion. I haven't decided yet if I'll be doing this in Estonian or in English. Still, this one will remain in English. Also, I don't really care if anyone reads this - it's more for just getting my thoughts in order anyways.

There's a lot of stuff going on actually and I'm happy to say that I've made some great decisions lately, decisions that have made me a lot more content with my life. First, I decided to take a lot of me-time and concentrate on reading books, training and other hobbies that I haven't made nearly enough time for that deserve it. I don't really care for other people right now, because I loathe most of my classmates and I don't really have nor feel the need to have many friends who to spend time with. Being alone is something I deeply enjoy, as is helping people for some reason. And that brings me to my second decision: I am always really good to people and always prefer to give them another chance, even if they did something really bad. But I recently realized that I get pitifully little back and hence decided to thoroughly evaluate all my relationships and think back on how my friends and acquaintances have regarded me. If they have ever even taken interest in me, maybe asked to hang out with me or done anything friendly enough to be considered a friend. And I've come to realize that I don't have a single one of that kind of friends. All are just people I know and get along well with. People for some reason expect a lot of stuff from me, but when I even begin to hope that someone might do something for me, they shrug their shoulders and say: "I thought you didn't need me to" or "You'll be fine" or just "I'm sorry, bye!". I really don't appreciate being used and despise hypocritical people. So now I refrain from any conversing and interacting with people who I know wouldn't help or take interest in me anyways, whatsoever - and sadly, there is a lot of those people. Don't get me wrong, I am not a person who desperately needs other people's involvement in their life and as I said before, I enjoy spending time alone, but it's just sad that people are so selfish. Also, I found that even the people I thought to be my best friends don't even bother to hang out if I feel the need to complain and get something off my chest. And now I'm taking some time off from having friends and in time, looking for new ones, ones who know what it means to be a true friend.

On a less deep note, spring is here and that means that my house's basement is once again filling with water and I have to use the annoyingly and stubbornly impractical pump to get it out. But that is a small problem and one that I'm already used to. 
Also, I have decided to start cooking more frequently again, making myself and maybe my family something to eat now and then.
This quarter I plan on getting all fives on my report card, which shouldn't be too hard considering that I have been slacking off most of the time before and still gotten most grades fives.
I've taken up jogging on the side of tennis and gym. I jog a 6.5km track twice or thrice a week. I really enjoy it and find it very therapeutic and calming.

And I think that's it. I find this to be a very successful first blog.
Have a nice one.


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