Thursday, April 21, 2011

The return of the parents

Just as I was getting used to coming home to no-one, my parents came back from Japan. Well, it was nice while it lasted. On the plus side, I don't have to spend my own money on food anymore and I got myself a cool bracelet-thingy.
Been living on the Johnny Cash wave for a couple of days now. If you haven't already then watch the movie "Walk the line" - I loved it. Joaquin Phoenix actually sounds almost identical to Johnny Cash and the music in the movie was great.
I wish I could wear a suit all of the time. Suits are stylish and masculine and never go out of style. But they're damned expensive and wear out quickly if I should wear them every day. So... I guess not.
It would appear that one particular person is under the impression that I'm an egotistical arrogant person. Well, I'd like to remind you that this is not the case. I value manners above all else and aspire to resolve every situation without losing my cool and staying polite. So now you know...
A friend brought muffins to school today. Was delicious and I wasn't forced to eat the egg-fish soup that was served in the cafeteria. Also, we got a bunch of cookies because we're not going to school on Monday and that was supposed to be our lunch. See the point? Yeah, me neither.
I spent two hours sawing pieces of wood for my last project in woodshop class. It is going to be a really good piece because I plan on using it in my everyday life so it has to be.

Today I got thinking about what is a good, maybe even perfect, life. Is there a definition? I think not. I believe that everyone has to decide for themselves. Friends are probably an important step towards a good life. To me a happy life is a life where I have a chance to do all the things I want. Not in an tyrannical or selfish way - just to get to read all the books I want and try out different things and have a chance to at least make acquaintance with the awesome people of the world. Luckily you don't always have to look very far for those people. I for one have found some extremely interesting, good-hearted and humorous people. I don't feel the need to talk to every person I see. Interesting people usually shine out from the crowd and those are the people I will remember. And that brings me to the thought that a happy life is one where you can remember the good ol' times and have the people to remember them with. One person should be enough. It would be for me. I don't know about you but I don't want to gather a lot of people around me to be similar to me or even worse - to be a part of the grey mass. I have my opinions and my views and if there are some people out there who have exactly the same views then I would be happy. Very much so in fact.
But enough of this subject. Don't want to write a novel here.

Always be true to yourself.

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