Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Something to say

Hey, haven't written for a couple of days now, but I don't feel like just writing about what I do every day - seems pointless. And no-one probably cares, so I'll write if I have something to say.
It would seem that tonight I have something to say. I won't go into details but recently I've been feeling jealous of some people. I hate that I'm jealous of them, because I feel like it's a stupid thing to be jealous of. But I am, so... sucks to be me, I guess. I mean, it's not an unusual thing, but I still hate being jealous of that. I won't share with you the source of my jealousy because I don't want some people to know. If you're interested then come and ask me, but I can't tell some of you. But jealousy is a horrible thing and I hate being in its grip.

Otherwise everything seems fine. Life is a flower, as the saying goes :) There's especially one person who I deeply enjoy talking to, who is awesome in every way possible in my book.
Unfortunately I don't have anything meaningful to say, just some rambling that was written with an extremely sleepy head.

Hope you're having a better time than I am.

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