Saturday, April 16, 2011


Well last night there was a party at my place and it was pretty cool. The people were awesome thus everything else was awesome. We had so much stuff to eat that I didn't need to make breakfast - I just ate the chocolate croissants that Stella made. I don't think she understands the concept of a croissant, but they were delicious so who cares. There was a bunch of people here and I'm really happy that my best friends came too, and helped me with everything. Also it was cool that Maris made it, and brought Mikk and Matu. It was cool just sitting and talking with them in the end. It's distressing that I had to be rude to some people and satisfying that I got to be rude to some really annoying people. Don't get me wrong - I think manners must always come before all else and I always try to be as polite as possible (even when talking to people I dislike very much), but those people just came here to annoy me and I had other things to deal with so I told them to get lost. I mean, is it so hard to just think before you say stuff? Is it so hard to NOT say utterly random curse words in sentences? What is the point? Maybe people just want to be cool or popular or whatever by cursing and acting like 10-year-old's, but there is absolutely no point in cursing. There are much more civil ways of making your opinion heard. People should also think about the way they speak, should think about the intonation, because things like that give very much away. Should consider other people and that not everything revolves around themselves. But those are my beliefs and thoughts on how to behave and I like to think of myself as old-fashioned, because I admire the common behaviour rules of the 50's and 60's. I don't feel like dissecting the subject any further, because when I go into detail, it takes me a whole novel-full of things to say before I'm satisfied that I got my point through. But now you know - I admire people who know how to be polite and say the right things and aspire to be like that myself.
It was also really cool that we got to jam a little with the guitars, although I can't play jack compared to Armand.
Also, my brother is back home for the weekend, which I love. We're going to the sauna tonight and going to have us a good time.

Have a good one.

1 comment:

  1. haha, asi oli crossantidest kaugel:D + ma ei julgenud neid külmana süüa :D hahahahah :D okeoke :D nvm :D
