Sunday, April 10, 2011


Just as I was thinking of writing something in my blog, I saw a great tweet that made me think. It went something like this: There's no point in worrying about what other people are saying about you. You've affected their lives, don't let them affect yours.
That is somewhat true and I somewhat agree. I personally usually just ignore it, when some remarks are made toward me because I simply don't care. But some people's opinions matter so this shouldn't be taken too literally.
I was recently asked, by an extremely charming and good person, why do I always emphasize it, when people are awesome.  Well, there's a perfectly good reason: I don't find many people very cool so when I do find someone who is awesome in my book, then I like to make sure they know it. The conversation was (or would've been) very interesting, but unfortunately it was cut short. There was some doubt by the person, whether I meant what I said about them being awesome or not, because apparently she had been lied to about that. And that brought me to a thought, a thought I've had many-many times before, a thought that usually makes me sad. What makes me sad is that apparently it is not required of a man to be a gentleman, to be a true honest man, to be polite, to be intelligent or at least make some sense, no, apparently a lot less is required for a man to be considered awesome and cool and to become popular. That is saddening, because my principals are that I have to always be polite and respectful towards women, I always try to be a gentleman, always do things that, to me, should be expected of a man, it's the little things that matter: I offer my coat if a girl's cold, I offer a seat, I offer to help with what ever they might need, e.g carry something, I make compliments etc. And sometimes I forget that when I meet someone new then they don't know right away that I'm a polite and nice guy. And what also saddens me is that people don't expect others to be polite and nice, good-hearted people. They assume that something must be wrong. Call me old-fashioned but I think that is extremely sad.
And when I was talking to that person, then okay, I get it, you can't be absolutely sure that I'm truthful with you, that I am not some douche who says things to impress people, to attract attention or whatnot, but I'd love for that person to realize who I am, if I'd only be given the chance. 

Changed my blog layout, will probably change again soon because I'm still not happy with it.
Been to the sauna three days in a row now, it isn't very often when that happens. 

Let's turn forever you and me...
Is everybody in?

I thank you for your attention. Hope you're in a better mood than I am.


  1. Ma loodan, et su tuju läheb paremaks koos ilmade soojenemisega :) ja minuga võid alati rääkida, eksole!

  2. See lugu kummitab nüüd :D
